Yes, Lawyers Can Make Mistakes (And Actually Learn From Them)

If you're living on the razor's edge of perfectionism, this episode of the Non-Eventcast is for you.

slip-up-709045_1280Most lawyers are perfectionists. 

They don’t give themselves much leeway, which means that they (and their clients, by extension) are under the impression that a lawyer will never mess anything up. 

But attorneys screw up every now and then, too — and it doesn’t have to rise to the level of an ethics query, either. 

Any slip-up, and lawyers tend to self-flagellate.

But business owners are supposed to make mistake — so they can learn from them and improve their processes.

That’s why we’ve invited attorney and business owner Chris Largay onto the Non-Eventcast — so he can talk with us about how lawyers can (and do) mess up, as well as how they can recover from their mistakes and, yes, even learn from them. 

Chris starts off by chatting about his own practice, the errors he made, and how they’ve helped to evolve his law firm, over time (5:30). 

Next, Chris and Jared talk about how to balance a law practice, with another business (8:15). 

After that, Chris talks about how mistakes can arise in dealing with clients, as well as how to work through those issues (15:03).

Chris also addresses how technology questions in a rural practice setting are resolved differently (21:10), as well as how rural practitioners can overcome tech barriers (24:02). 

Lastly, Chris winds up by talking over how saying “no” to certain things can lead to personal and professional growth (30:37).

If you’re living on the razor’s edge of perfectionism — and falling off — give yourself a break. 

Check out this episode, to learn how to give yourself some time and space to make mistakes.

Curious about how law practice management software can help your business thrive?

Feel free to visit the Practice Management section of the Non-Event for more podcasts and commentary, along with your guide to the latest resources. (The Non-Event is supported by vendor sponsorships.)

Jared Correia, a consultant and legal technology expert, is the host of the Non-Eventcast, the featured podcast of the Above the Law Non-Event for Tech-Perplexed Lawyers. 

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