What Could The Future Hold For AI Regulation?

What can lawyers expect as the talk of AI continues to grow? Join us for this CLE-eligible webinar on October 11th for find out more.

ontra_webinar_image1When it comes to the tech industry, the 2020s have been a decade of emerging rules.

But will the same hold true as the use of artificial intelligence quickly grows?

Join us and our friends at Ontra for this CLE-eligible webinar on Oct. 11 at 1 p.m. ET, where our expert panel will explore the potential for regulation of AI.

We’ll also look at what regulatory developments could mean in practice, particularly for in-house law departments.

The discussion will include:

>Emerging intellectual property and data security concerns
>Potential effects on legal ethics rules
>Past regulation of emerging technologies
>Practical applications — and how you can avoid pitfalls

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