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Editor’s Picks: Red Notices & INTERPOL | Virtual Onboarding | Spoiling ‘Reptile Theory’

Researching something completely different, I stumbled upon a blog and niche area of practice that sent me down a rabbit hole for more info.

Michelle Estlund’s blog Red Notice Law Journal introduced me to a world where criminal justice, immigration and international law intersect. 

My curiosity deepened after learning Netflix is coming out with a movie using the INTERPOL “Red Notice” flag as its title. 

Legal Talk Today host Laurence Colletti got a bunch of my questions answered when he interviewed Estlund about her practice and how Red Notices are used and abused to exile and deport. This episode easily made my top five list for the week.

Legal Talk Today

Red Notices & International Men of Mystery?

Another one not to miss: this year’s inaugural LHLM-ys, where Gyi Tsakalakis and Conrad Saam praise and roast the best and downright worst of legal marketing over the last year. There are some obvious picks. Spoiler: the gun-waiving St. Louis lawyer couple and Rudy Guiliani make appearances on this year’s list honorees. 

My favorite part of this show is that even when Gyi and Conrad are making light of a situation, they explain what makes something a marketing win or fail for lawyers. I can’t recommend this show enough for lawyers overseeing their marketing, outsourcing, or hiring a team.

Lunch Hour Legal Marketing

The First Annual LHLM-ys: And the Winner Is

The Legal Rebels podcast addresses a topic I’ve been hearing more about these days: welcoming and training new team members. It’s not uncommon to hear someone say they’ve never met their boss in person or never met the people they are managing. 

Host Lyle Moran interviews IP lawyer John Van Amsterdam about ways firms create opportunities to connect and welcome new hires in a remote work environment.

ABA Journal: Legal Rebels

Virtual onboarding has provided some unexpected benefits, firm shareholder says

Paralegal Voice host Jill Francisco also talked about the new remote environment with her guest, litigator Marc Williams.

Williams acknowledged that pre-pandemic, he would have shunned telecommuting, certainly as a full-time affair. Now? He’s in. Managing a remote team isn’t always easy. But Williams shares the advantages he’s come to appreciate.

Paralegal Voice

Navigating Law Practice Post-Pandemic

Finally this week, a new term for my vocabulary, “Reptile Theory.” This isn’t a new theory. The host and guests on Best’s Insurance Law Podcast explain it’s been around since 2009.

In this episode, lawyers in the trucking and transport industry share tips on dismantling a plaintiff’s “Reptile Theory” approach, which homes in on the emotional aspects of cases.

Best’s Insurance Law Podcast

Emerging Litigation Trends in Trucking and Transportation


To keep up with timely insights on the law, legal innovation, and law practice, visit Legal Talk Network. Or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.

Thumbnail image: Movie promo for “Red Notice” coming in 2021 on Netflix.

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Molly McDonough, a longtime legal affairs journalist, is a producer for the current events show "Legal Talk Today." She also is a media and content strategist with McDonough Media LLC. McDonough previously served as editor and publisher of the ABA’s flagship magazine, the "ABA Journal." She writes about access to justice at "A Just Society."