If you are a lawyer or law firm, you know that the holidays are an important time for networking with clients and friends. But this time of year also brings about some unique challenges: How do you prepare for your Thanksgiving holiday? Law firms use the Thanksgiving holiday to get together with family and friends.

During the holiday season, there are a bunch of things going on in a loop and you wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity to grow your business while you are peacefully enjoying the holidays. With thanksgiving being a significant event you get a chance to get in touch with people you lost touch with. Reconnect with your clients and show your employees that you are grateful for their efforts for them. Besides this, you also need to prepare yourselves for the upcoming Christmas season. Let’s start and enlighten you with a few thanksgiving tips for lawyers holiday preparation:

1. Notify clients beforehand 

Starting off Thanksgiving weekend gives you a headstart for upcoming holidays, if you do plan to take some time off do let your clients know that you are planning to take off for whatever dates you planned.

Most importantly, set an automated email for when you are out of the office stating when you will return, and in case of important emails and information, mention the email address they could reach you through. 

2. Recheck meetings and important calendar dates

Make sure to check any important calendar dates where you were supposed to meet anyone relating to any case and free up your thanksgiving by either preponing or postponing it after your holidays.

Make sure to discuss crucial matters way before the thanksgiving holidays so it doesn’t hamper your work productivity or cause problems with clients.

3. Advise clients beforehand on Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales

As their legal advisor a great way to bonding with them this thanksgiving is by giving them free advice and solutions about techniques for upcoming sales.

Cyber Monday and Black Friday sales not just offer retail discounts but also big software firms offer tech discounts for tech junkies on SaaS-based softwares and real estate companies give such offers too. Your clients need to know the technicalities of any legal issue.

4. Reconnect with your previous clients

Making a personal connection is vital to building a long-lasting relationship with your clients, this Thanksgiving, run an email campaign wishing all your users a thanksgiving or maybe share a newsletter related to a topic that interests your audience.

It can be extreme topics on how they can deal with the trauma caused by accidents while traveling or just a listicle of all the things they can do this thanksgiving.

5. Show gratitude to your Employees

Employees are the heart of any law firm and boost one’s personal and professional growth, motivation plays a key role. Showing them how grateful you are for their support and continued hard work will not just make them happy by heart but also motivate them to work exceptionally well in the future.

Throwing a thanksgiving dinner at the office is an easy and sweet way to show your gratitude. Additionally, there are other ways too to make your employee’s Thanksgiving memorable by giving out amazon coupons, gifts, or subscriptions to commonly used software.

Summing up 

Being a lawyer should never get in the way of your holiday plans. With these tips, you can make sure that you’re prepared for the days leading up to Thanksgiving and that you have plenty of time to enjoy yourself with friends and families, not in front of your desk or on the phone, Just remember these tips and strategies for holiday preparation, and your firm will be set for the time around Thanksgiving.