Editor’s Picks: ‘Cat Lawyer’ Debriefed | Tapping a Tech-Enabled ‘Second Brain’ | Unlocking Creativity

If there’s an instance made for puns (and memes), the Texas case with the now-viral and hilarious kitten filter mishap is one for the ages.

State Bar of Texas Podcast host Rocky Dhir digs deep for as many puns as possible for his, uh hem, unfiltered interview with the cat lawyer himself and the patient judge who provided expert tech support.

Lawyer Rod Ponton and Judge Roy Ferguson talk through the kitten filter experience and keeping their cool and professionalism intact throughout.

State Bar of Texas Podcast

Texas “Cat Lawyer”: The Zoom Mishap Turned Viral Sensation

Leveraging Technology as a ‘Second Brain’

Coming up with an idea is one step. Making that idea actionable is something completely different. Over the past few months, tech enthusiasts Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell have explored tapping into a tech-enabled “second brain.”

In the latest Kennedy-Mighell Report, the two shift from capturing and organizing information to action. Is the tech ready yet? Mighell explains why he is skeptical that the tools aren’t quite advanced to deliver what Kennedy expects.

Kennedy-Mighell Report

Second Brain Project: Action, Part 1

Frogger and Reinvention at Work

Speaking of tapping into mental reserves, on the Lawyerist Podcast, tech company founder Josh Linkner shares tips on becoming more creative at work.

It’s the first time I’ve heard someone compare law practice to the ‘80s arcade game Frogger. But it makes sense, especially his take on reinvention. He tells teams, “Someday, a company will come and put us out of business. It might as well be us.”

Lawyerist Podcast

#318: Unlocking Creativity & Reinvention, with Josh Linkner

Inspiring Lawyers Beat: How a Pro Bono Offer Turned into a Statewide Eviction Project

Housing rights advocates and courts are grappling with a massive influx in cases involving evictions during the pandemic.

In Colorado, lawyer Zach Neumann posted on social media that he would help those facing evictions. Not surprisingly, he soon realized that the need for legal advice in this area was more than one lawyer could handle.

On the ABA Law Student Podcast, Neumann shares how his experience led him to create the COVID-19 Eviction Defense Project.

ABA Law Student Podcast

Housing and Eviction Law: Helping Tenants in the Midst of COVID-19

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Thumbnail is a Know Your Meme image.

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Molly McDonough, a longtime legal affairs journalist, is a producer for the current events show "Legal Talk Today." She also is a media and content strategist with McDonough Media LLC. McDonough previously served as editor and publisher of the ABA’s flagship magazine, the "ABA Journal." She writes about access to justice at "A Just Society."