Building a-typically extraordinary teams | Cringey responses to web reviews | DOJ’s A2J redux

Building good teams often requires valuing the unique strengths of each member. For legal teams, diversity of thought and perspective can make all the difference when solving problems.

If everyone thinks the same way, creative solutions may be elusive.

Haley Moss speaks to the issue of neurodiversity in her book, “Great Minds Think Differently: Neurodiversity for Lawyers and Other Professionals.”

In a Modern Law Library interview, host Lee Rawles and Moss discuss how the best, most effective teams, bring different types of problem solvers to the table.

ABA Journal: Modern Law Library

How neurodiverse lawyers can thrive in the profession–and change it for the better

How (not) to respond to bad reviews

No matter how many cautionary tales, inevitably, there’s a real-world example of how not to respond to negative online reviews.

Gyi Tskakalakis and Conrad Saam beat this drum fairly regularly on Lunch Hour Legal Marketing

Responding to a bad rating with privileged information is one way to get bar authorities on your case. And responding with a lawsuit is another way to amplify the bad experience a customer was complaining about. 

So what should lawyers do? Gyi’s and Conrad’s advice is more nuanced than, “If you don’t have anything positive to say, don’t say anything at all.”

There are ethically acceptable response options. As important, fixing any issues that may have led to the negative review.

Lunch Hour Legal Marketing

Bad Reviews and the Marketing Vacuum

Document automation and happy clients

Clients can be unhappy about any number of issues. Communication is often at the core. So is receiving a bill for a task the client thinks (or knows) can be done more quickly.

Dennis Kennedy addresses this client peeve in the context of document automation. On the Kennedy-Mighell Report, he and Tom Mighell explore this evergreen topic and the evolution of client expectations.

Kennedy-Mighell Report

I Just Wanna Automate, Automate

A2J redux at the DOJ

With the Biden administration, the pendulum is swinging back to prioritizing access-to-justice.

On Talk Justice, host Jason Tashea welcomes Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon, former DOJ official Karen Lash, and Elizabeth Werner, managing attorney at Legal Aid of West Virginia.

The four explore the renewed focus on the White House Legal Aid Interagency Roundtable, the current access-to-justice landscape, and the momentum necessary for progress.

Talk Justice, An LSC Podcast

What to Expect from the Relaunch of the DOJ’s Office for Access to Justice

Rationale behind law prof’s vaccine mandate challenge

Law firms, universities, and many other employers are rolling out vaccine mandates. The EEOC and governmental authorities have consistently blessed these moves.

So Joe Patrice and Kathryn Rubino at Thinking Like a Lawyer wonder out loud whether a George Mason University law prof’s challenge to his school’s mandate has any merit. Spoiler: they don’t.

The two also have some praise for Cravath when it comes to flex work. Will the move become the new flex-norm? 

Above the Law - Thinking Like a Lawyer

It’s Always The Law Professors You Think It’s Going To Be

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Molly McDonough, a longtime legal affairs journalist, is a producer for the current events show "Legal Talk Today." She also is a media and content strategist with McDonough Media LLC. McDonough previously served as editor and publisher of the ABA’s flagship magazine, the "ABA Journal." She writes about access to justice at "A Just Society."