Lexsoft launches T3 GenAI to deliver “step change in KM capability”

Lexsoft Systems today (26 February) announced the launch of Lexsoft T3 GenAI, a new knowledge management (KM) solution within its T3 product suite, powered by Microsoft  OpenAI technology, to deliver Copilot-like functionality and user experience to the KM function.


T3 GenAI simplifies the knowledge submission, curation, and classification process in the KM system for knowledge managers and professional support lawyers (PSLs).

On submission, Conditional Forms prompt lawyers for information that is pertinent to only that legal document type. For example, if a contract is being submitted, the Conditional Form will ask for information such as the names of the parties involved, execution dates, and quantities.

Knowledge departments also have the ability to embed the document submission process within lawyers’ workflow. Combining the Conditional Forms feature with generative AI technology, T3 GenAI automatically extracts the key information from the documents being submitted. This eliminates the need for knowledge professionals to request lawyers for information related to the submission.

To the documents submitted, without human intervention, T3 GenAI applies AI to automatically extract relevant information, create abstracts, and mine the metadata to classify them in the KM system.

Carlos García-Egocheaga, CEO of Lexsoft Systems told Legal IT Insider: “We’ve been working on knowledge management for so many years and understand what has been asked of us but until now we didn’t have the technology to do it. Thanks to generative AI, all those things that people want us to automate, we will be able to do.

“In order to do that, it’s not as simple as saying ‘gen AI, you go ahead and do this. We realised that you need to be specific when asking a question. We know what the practice area is that a person works in and what the document type is and because of all those things we can prompt very specific questions. We know an NDA will have an exclusivity clause but in a contract you’ll be looking for price. We’re using all our previous knowledge of the things that lawyers do because we have been helping them for years, and the Conditional Forms will help lawyers to get really accurate information.”

This removes the need for KM professionals to manually appraise lawyers’ documents or ask questions to identify, curate, and classify the knowledge documents.

T3 GenAI uses firms’ own, unique taxonomies to mechanically classify the knowledge documents. The solution doesn’t force firms to use standardised, out-of-the-box data classification structures or taxonomies. “Because we have done all this work we can use the firm’s taxonomy instead of a general taxonomy such as SALI or general key works we can allow the firm to use their own taxonomy,” García-Egocheaga said.

We’re told that when used in conjunction with Lexsoft’s redaction tool, T3 Redact, T3 GenAI habitually protects confidential information, reducing the data privacy and compliance burden for knowledge professionals.

T3 GenAI, combined with T3 Analytics, a component of the T3 product suite, now offers KM professionals and PSLs a workplace with single, central activity dashboard. The KM department has full visibility of tasks completed, new tasks assigned, and the status of each task, in real time. This capability eliminates the need to use emails for activity and task management.

“T3 GenAI will enable KM professionals to redefine the way they have worked historically,” said García-Egocheaga. “Knowledge professionals have been asking for this kind of smart functionality for many years. OpenAI has enabled the delivery of this capability from a technical standpoint. The value of the technology, however, lies in its application. T3 GenAI is underpinned by almost 20 years of KM experience in the legal sector. We understand deeply how law firms operate across sectors and specialties, and this expertise is reflected in how we have applied generative AI technology to deliver a high level of accuracy, automation, and advanced KM capability.”

T3 is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution that is implemented over iManage Work in the cloud, in the Microsoft Azure environment. Both the T3 SaaS and T3 GenAI solutions integrate with cloudimanage.com, iManage’s Cloud platform; and iManage Insight+, iManage’s cloud-native knowledge search and management solution.